Way back in the days when dinosaurs ruled the earth (kidding), a group of locals in recovery decided to create a place to meet. AA meetings have been held in church basements, libraries, rec centers and in member’s home since the organization was founded almost 81 years ago. However, it seems that most towns and cities across the country and indeed across the globe, have sought to establish a permanent home for regular meetings and fellowship.
In June of 1991 some locals established the Reno Triangle Club. Founded as a place where members of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon could attend
meetings, socialize with one another and spend time with Sponsors in doing step work. The RTC is a clean, safe, non-smoking meeting hall that is as familiar to its members as their homes.
The staff is friendly and always ready to pour a cup of coffee, greet visitors from out of town or lend an ear to a newcomer. Patty and her staff keep the place running and make sure that the doors are open for those seeking an answer to problems with alcohol. While the Club itself is a 501c3 corporation it has a spirit of cooperation with Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. The meetings are responsible for themselves and are autonomous from one another and the Club itself. The 12 Traditions and principles of 12 Step recovery guide all decisions. And it has worked for 25 years!
The RTC hosts AA meetings seven days a week. Meetings are held at 6:45 am, 8:30 am, 10 am, 12 noon, 2 pm, 3:30 pm and 5 pm. There are meetings for seniors, young people, Big Book meetings, Step Studies, Men’s Stag and Women’s Only meetings. Al-Anon meetings are held throughout the week. There are closed meetings for those who state that they have a problem with alcohol and open meetings which welcome everyone. The spirit of anonymity is adhered to in all meetings. “What you see here, who you see here and what you hear here, let it stay here.”
You can find the Reno Triangle Club is found at 635 S. Wells Ave.
They have a helpful website at: http://www.renotriangleclub.com.
A list of AA meetings can be found for the city of Reno (including the RTC) at: http://www.nnig.org/Reno.htm.
A listing of local, Al-Anon meetings can be found at: http://www.nevadaal-anon.org/find-a-meeting/nonvmeetinglist/.
Visitors to the Club often remark that we have a beautiful meeting hall here in Reno. Those who travel frequently agree that we have a very special place here in the Truckee Meadows.
Stop by and say hello. Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to meet some of the finest people you have ever had the good fortune to meet!