After hitting SAVE on the page ahead you will receive a confirmation Email.
You will also receive the Student Enrollment Packet along with the Student Handbook.
Please complete the Student Enrollment Packet and read the information in the Student Handbook.
The completed Student Enrollment Packet along with a copy of your Driver’s License and copies of court documents (Sentencing Document is preferred) or attorney contact information, are required to be returned to us before attending.
Copies of Driver’s License and Court Documents can be photocopied, scanned, or a picture taken of the documents and sent to us via email to or
You may also fax the paperwork to 775-348-2762.
If you take pictures of the documents that is okay AS LONG AS THE PHOTOS ARE LEGIBLE.
You may also turn in all of this material at our offices at 1000 Bible Way Suite 66, Reno, Nevada 89502.