Level II DUI School Wednesday 5-6 pm
Level II DUI School is the next step in the State of Nevada’s response to impaired driving.
Certain factors can warrant inclusion in this program for an individual such as:
- A high Blood Alcohol Content (Indicating possible tolerance)
- Multiple DUI/Drinking-related offenses
- Circumstances of the arrest
- Findings of an evaluation may recommend placement in the Level II Program
A typical Level II Program consists of a 12-14 week counseling program consisting of the following:
- Completion of the Level I Educational Program (For more information about this program hit the “Level I DUI School” button above.
- Successful completion of 12 sessions of counseling/education. 1 Hour each in duration over a 12 week period
- Clients will be taken through the course “Who’s Driving?”, a 12 part experiential journey through all the various aspects of drinking and driving.
- All participants are expected to remain abstinent through the entire time that they are in the program. Should one fail in their attempt at sobriety it is important that they share that with their group and therapist. Making a mistake is not the problem, failing to learn the lesson is.
- While attendance at 12 Step meetings is an integral part of all our programs, the Level II Who’s Driving? course has a weekly homework component that is sufficient for most clients. If directed to attend AA by an evaluator or by the court we will monitor that treatment goal as well.
Weekly fees for group therapy sessions are $25.00 and are due at the time of the session. Advanced DUI School offers Level II DUI School on Wednesday evenings from 5-6 pm. Monthly progress reports will be sent to all parties involved in your case (Court, legal representative, Alternative Sentencing, Parole &Probation)
Reports will reflect the following:
- Client’s attendance and participation
- Client’s attitude concerning sobriety/recovery, often called the Stages of Change
- Client completion of assigned Who’s Driving homework
- Any outstanding balance of past due amounts. Courts view a high balance as a sign of old behaviors (poor responsibility & lack of commitment)